How To Update nGauge Firmware

Text instructions available below.

You can download the PDF by clicking here.

Prior to updating firmware: It is a good idea to save all the files from the nGauge before updating. To do this, follow the steps in this guide and do a backup when Step 5 suggests it. If you are using an Apple/Mac, make sure to back up your files.
  • Step 1 – Check to see if your nGauge is up to date. To check, plug the nGauge in to power it on, then select “Diagnostics”
  • Step 2 – In the “Diagnostics” menu, select “Settings,” then select “Device Info.” A screen will display with the nGauge Serial #, Voltage, BIOS, Firmware and Board. The important number to check is the “Firmware” number.
  • Step 3 – Visit 
    The nGauge Support Page
     to check the firmware version listed in the right column to see if your nGauge firmware is up to date. If it is out-of-date, just click the link that says “Latest Firmware File” to download it to your computer. Save it somewhere that you’ll be able to easily locate.
  • Step 4 – To load the firmware set the device to USB SD mode. Select Diagnostics, then “USB SD”.
  • Step 5 – Your PC will let you know a device is plugged in, and ask what to do with it. Select “Open Folder to View Files”. This will display the contents of the nGauge. Now is a good time to back up everything on the nGauge. Make a separate folder to do this in and you will keep your tuner files safe.
  • Step 6 – Leave that window open and find where you saved your copy of the latest nGauge firmware. Open the .zip file the Firmware is in, then drag the contents to your nGauge. After this is moved, close the window. Next, press the “X” at the bottom of the screen on the nGauge to exit USB SD mode.
  • Step 7 – Select “Diagnostics” from the main menu again, then select “Settings.” Use the down arrow til you see “Update from SD”, then select it. The device will find the firmware you put on the nGauge, then confirm you want to update it. Make sure the device does not get unplugged. The update should take 5-10 seconds to complete. The device will confirm the update is complete, then restart.

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