Step 01: Locating the Tune Form
- The tune form is located in the top right corner on desktop, and in the side menu on mobile devices.

Step 02: Gather Required Info
- In order to build your custom tunes, we will need the following information from you.
- MPT Order Number
- The order number you received when you purchased your tunes, this begins with MPT followed by 5 numbers.
- Serial Number (SN) of the Programmer/Tuner
- A unique code used to identify your tuning device.
- SCT Devices: A 13 Digit code found on the back of the device or located under "Device Information"
SCT Example: X434567890123
- RTD+: 10-Digit code found on the back of the device or located under BLANK
RTD Example: 2034567890
- Basic info on the vehicle being tuned
- Year, Engine size, Transmission type.
- VIN of the vehicle being tuned
- Your VIN can typically be found in the following locations.
- Driver's side doorjamb / Windshield (lower, driver's side corner) / Vehicle documentation (registration, insurance policy, lease, promissory note)
- List of modifications if any
- We need to know what's been done to your truck so we can build a tune specifically for you!
- Examples: Turbos / CAI / Exhaust / Fuel Pump / Injectors. / ETC...
- If using an SCT tuner, ECU/ECM/PCM Strategy may be required
- A 7-Digit code specific to your ECU
- How to read my vehicles strategy using an SCT Device
- If using nGauge or RTD, the stock file is required
- When using either of these devices, an uploaded copy of your stock file is needed for MPT to write your tunes.
Step 03: Your information
- Here you will fill out your
- Email address / Name / MPT Order Number / Last 8 Digits of your vehicles VIN / Phone Number
Did you Upgrade to Rush My tunes?
- This optional upgrade allows you to skip to the front of our to-do list, getting tunes completed within 24 hours or less.
- Average tune completion is within 2-3 business days
- Upgrade to Rush My Tunes here.
Which Programmer are you using?
- Let us know if you use an SCT or HP tuners device.
Step 04: Device Information
Is this an update/log review to an existing tune
- No, request is for new tune(s): This means you are placing an order for NEW TUNES to be made.
- Yes, update/Log review: This means that you already have tunes and need an update, or you would like us to review a datalog.
Did you pay for the option to have MPT tunes built and loaded on the programmer BEFORE BEING SHIPPED? (Not the same thing as RUSH MY TUNES) *
- Pre-Loaded tunes are when you have purchased an SCT device + Tunes and have paid for us to load the tunes onto the device before shipping the device to you.
Serial Number
- 14 Digit Code (See STEP 02)
ECU/PCM Strategy
- 7 Digit Code (See STEP 02)
Have you changed Tire Size or Axle Ratio?
- Time to let us know if you have put larger tires or swapped out your rear differential gears.
HP Tuners RTD / nGuauge
Is this an update/log review to an existing tune
- No, request is for new tune(s)s: This means you are placing an order for NEW TUNES to be made.
- Yes, update/Log review: This means that you already have tunes and need an update, or you would like us to review a datalog.
Serial Number
- 14 Digit Code (See STEP 02)
For RTD+ customers. Did you upload the stock files using the TDN phone app?
- If you are using the RTD+ you have the option to upload your files using the TDN app
- MPT's RTD+ &TDN App Quick Start Guide
We need the stock file to build tunes for nGauge/RTD.
- If you are not using the TDN App this section is to upload your stock file.
- (See STEP 02 for how to retrieve Stock FIles)
Have you changed Tire Size or Axle Ratio?
- Time to let us know if you have put larger tires or swapped out your rear differential gears.
Step 04a: Tire Size and Axle Ratio
- Providing the right tire size and axle ratio will ensure your speedometer is accurate
What to put for tire size?
- If offset, we only need the DRIVEN wheel. Example: 255/40/R19 or 35x12x22
Where do I find my Axle Ratio?
- Common axle ratios are 3.31, 3.55, 3.73, and 4.10.
- You can also enter the Axle Code from the sticker on the door jam of the vehicle.
Step 05: Basic Vehicle Information
- Enter your Vehicle Year and Vehicle Type
Step 06: Choosing your MPT Tunes
Do you want to read about the tunes available before picking them? "Yes" will display tune descriptions, and "No" will hide it.
- If you are unsure what tunes are available for your vehicle you can read about them in this section.
Choose your number of tunes
- How many tunes did you order from us?
Selecting the tunes
- After reading over the tuning options, let us know which ones you've picked!
Auto-Stop Start Preference, Throttle Sensitivity Preference, Shifting Firmness Preference, Modifications, Comments, and/or Special Requests
- Tell us what modifications have been done to your vehicle, and let us know any special requests you may have regarding your tunes.
Check Engine Lights or Known Issues
- Cars and Trucks break, and we don't want to cause any additional damage. Being honest and letting us know of any issues with your vehicle will help us get a better picture of your vehicle. Our calibrators are Ford Tuning experts so if there is an issue we're the right people to talk to.
Step 07: Submit
- Congratulations you've completed the MPT Tune Form, your tunes will be ready for you shortly.
Welcome to the MPT family!